Real Japan


been getting a lot of comments of people who saw the amasan divers on Hawaii Skin Diver TV. hawaii is so fascinated with japan and anything japanese or about japan is interesting to thousands of people here in hawaii. if i had a video camera on my head for the past 22 years, no tv show could come close to what i’ve experienced. nothing is staged, nothing is fake, and nothing is bullshit. everything is real and if you seen the true beauty of japan through my eyes, you would understand why i love that country so much. the people, the culture, and the food keeps me going back for more and more. this is a photo of a local fisherman giving me fish. just pure heart!

after i talked to some of the 8th graders at Mid-Pac, this kid came up to me and showed me a drawing he drew in class. as he was explaining to me why he drew it and what it meant, i was thinking to myself “wow, what a wonderful school full of kids eager to learn and share.” this is our future!

We Are One in the Sun! and Go-Naminori in the Wave!
hey kid, your drawing is super cool! and your katakana is good too! keep on studying japanese, and i hope you can experience japan like i did, and still do. We Are One!
