Man vs. Bully


good evening, had a wonderful day this morning surfing and enjoying the waves and weather. then some big hawaiian guy tried to bully me. i took it like a man and stayed calm. 2 years ago, i wouldn’t walk away. today, i did. tomorrow. maybe not. i freaking hate big guys that bully smaller guys around. my blood pressure rose and almost went into my attack mode. but there where just too many people around and don’t want to show people the crazy angry japanese boy in me. luckily i did some deep breathing to calm down but after i came in, i started to boil again. just the fact of a big guy trying to bully a smaller guy pisses me off. i’m proud of myself for walking away, but at the same time, feel like i should have stood my ground. i see that guy all the time and next time, who knows what will happen. i just hope he doesn’t make the first move because i will be forced to defend myself. i already called my lawyer and he said self defense is ok so if he threatens you, kick his ass. i just watched Floyd Mayweather box 12 rounds so i’m ready for anything! nothing can beat SPEED and CARDIOS!
then i came home and made the biggest club you will ever see. haha. just joking. i was building a surf rack in my garage. gosh, it was so hot today. it’s the first time i sweated in a while. felt good and dirty!
photo 4
oh, this is day 4 of my muffler burn. it’s getting better? haha. just joking. it’s getting worst and hurts like heck. i want to thank Dr. Tanaka from tokyo for sending me an email on how to ease the pain. vaseline and saran wrap? i will try that before i go to bed. and i want to thank Dr. Tanaka for always being there when i get hurt. your advise is very important to me and i appreciate it very much. hope to meet you someday.
