Shell Winners/Hitachi Tree/Frozen Yogurt


as for the shells, want to congratulate Ayako-san, Maki-san, and Satoko-san for being the fastest to request it. please send me your address and it should be in the mail this week. and for Michiko, i’ll put together another set for you because you only came in 3 seconds late and i know how much you really want shells. thank you all for your email and keep on surfing! as for all the other people who wanted it, i’m so sorry. when i have my next break, i will put more together and give them away. but for right now, i have to get back to work.
kimura-san told me that some of the volunteers who went to kobochihama from tokyo are checking my blog to see how their vacation is coming along. hey you all, we are having fun in the sun. here is otoosan and okaasan taking a photo of the famous Hitachi tree at moanaloa gardens.
first time eating frozen yogurt. the Kimura-san sisters in Hawaii!
