Tantalaus, Moanalua Gardens, Mochi-ya, Jail Girl, SNH48


had a super fun day today again. surf, sightsee, eat, surf, sunset, and eat. just loving everyday here in hawaii. the waves were kind of junk this morning because of the weird wind. diamond head was best. then about 12pm, it rained hard. then the wind stopped, it got sunny, and the ocean was sheet glass. perfect conditions and nobody around. we scored!!!!
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i can go up here every single day and go “wow!” it’s just breathtaking.
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Ikezawa-san loves trees. so we went to the biggest tree on the island. it was freaking amazing! look how big it is!!! next time i go there, i’m going to take my bbq grill, mat, and just hang out under the tree all day. wanna come?
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i had a wonderful meeting with Murao-san (producer) and Shioda-san (director) of P.M.A Tryangle in tokyo last week. they are really super nice and made me feel pretty comfortable during the interview. they are making a Hawaiian Airlines Guidebook that will be coming out soon. stay tuned! thank you for this wonderful snack!
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Mochi-ya! Oh-ya!
poor girl? nope. this girl is from australia. this girl got arrested. this girl should go to jail. why? because her boyfriend recklessly drove a jet ski at high speeds and killed another tourist in hawaii. this girl took video of the whole thing. then because her boyfriend was facing a long jail term, she lied to the honolulu police and said she didn’t see anything. well, the police go her SD card, then the computer experts found the files she deleted. yeah, her boyfriend killed an innocent girl. she got scared and deleted the files. we call that “tampering with evidence.” a big crime in america. she is just as guilty as her boyfriend.
and more than 38,000 girls from across china have applied to be members for china’s version of AKB48. it’s called SNH48. hey akimoto-san, can i be a judge? haha. and next year, we will be making GN48 (gonaminori48) so send in your application. haha. gosh, that guy is a genius.
