Young Gun, Meat Luau, Halekulani Umeshu, Kewalos Umilu, Diamond Head Back, Mt. Fuji


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i had a great time surfing with Abe-san and Marin-kun. I had Marin-kun on my nose of my board and we rode together all morning long. he was a little nervous at first, but after a few long rides, he couldn’t help but have fun. Abe-san is a great father and a great person. i had fun with you guys! see you in hawaii again and keep on surfing!
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we at Catch of the Day for lunch. i ordered the Meat Luau. OMG! so local, and so good!
thanks craig sako (halekulani chef) for the photo of your next umechu project. i’ll keep you posted on the next Go-Naminori party! can’t wait!
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i was talking to seth on the phone yesterday while he was down at kewalo’s. there was a big omilu eating the school of holehole at the harbor. i bet he wished he had his speargun. nice photo you took seth.
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diamond head looks good at any angle. awesome!
and thank you maki-san for sending this amazing photo of Mt. Fuji. yeah, i can’t believe i climbed to the top either. but once i got there, it was heaven!
small south swell continues. 3 days more till japan. 4 days more till okinawa. i’m getting scared thinking of the parties in okinawa. see you guys soon!
