Happy 2008…..


check out this photo out of india. everybody around the world celebrating the start to 2008. 2007 was a good year for some, and a bad year for others. what ever happened, let’s put that year aside and move on to a beautiful and happy 2008. hope everybody has a happy and awesome year to come. aloha….

pulled up to diamond head this morning and light house was the spot again. head high and perfect…. then i went to help my sister’s surf school down in waikiki. waikiki is nuts@! so many people learning how to surf that it’s actually dangerous. dangerous but fun i guess. fun watching people stand up on their first wave. just to see the stoke in their face. i know that feeling…. and get this, i pushed this 47 year old japanese man from ibaraki into a wave. he ended up riding it for over 100 yards and when he kicked out, he put his hands in the air and was super happy. he paddled back out and told me that he will never ever forget that wave and this trip to hawaii. he started surfing at age 44 and was stoked like a teenager. he also told me that surfing changed his life in a good way. that was pretty awesome to experience… surfing brings out a stoke that no other sport can…. that’s for sure…. keep on surfing…..

thanks tobeey for the awesome japan sunrise photo…. see ya in hawaii…

went up the mountain this evening to snap a photo of the last sunset in 2007… did you know that hawaii is one of the last places in the world to have their new years last? wait, did that come out right? well, you know what i mean…

peace from me…. happy new year…..
