Time is Here


good chilly morning. it’s going to be a cold day and glad we will be indoors all day. the only thing i’m worried about is walking to the train station early this morning with only a tshirt and thin jacket. that’s all i have with me and i hope i don’t freeze. the event day has finally come and i’m looking forward to seeing my friends, and making new ones. better get going.
it’s the first time for me to participate in such a huge event. i use to go the hawaii events in japan years ago and never imagined being in one. it’s a huge step for us and i love huge steps so it should be very interesting. i want to thank Toda-san, Hikaru, Ryosuke, and Naoka for doing such a great job setting up yesterday. see you soon!
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i was watching everybody setting up yesterday and working really hard. it made me happy to see such motivation and drive. it made me want to work harder and harder.
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the drive back to tokyo was super cool. i just love staring out into the lights at one of the biggest cities in the world. i’ve been coming here for the past 23 years and there’s never a dull moment.
anyway, it’s going to be a cold day so keep warm. after the event, i’m going to check into a hotel and do some laundry because things are getting a little stinky. haha. i think i packed too light this trip. have a wonderful day where ever you are!
