good morning. first, i’d like to wish all you fathers out there a Happy Fathers Day!!! hope you have an awesome day!!! as for the waves, chest high out on the north shore at laniakea. town looks like there is a nice shoulder high set coming in once in a while. it’s sunny, warm, and looks like it’s going to be another perfect day in paradise. hope you enjoy it!!!
i went down to my garage the other night to grab something. and as soon as i opened it, i seen this shinny black motorcycle with the keys in the ignition. ummm… temptation! i turn the key, i put it in neutral, i start it, the loud noise echos in my garage, i back it up, and i take it for a spin around diamond head. i just couldn’t resist. my brother knows that if something is in my garage, it’s pretty much free game. plus, he wasn’t home. haha… the funny thing is i don’t even have my license. haha.. and the biggest bike i rode in my life was my small motorcycle in bali. what a difference. i felt the power of this huge motorcycle and if you were around diamond head 2 nights ago, you would have heard me coming from a mile away….
i’m going down next week to get my license…
the waves were really junky so i went for a quick dive yesterday. i tried to launch my boat from the ala wai but there was so much traffic. what was it??? yup, the gay parade again!! it seem that every year i try to dive from the ala wai, there is the gay parade. what’s going on??? if you missed it, check out what you’ve been missing….
so i back out of traffic and head to sand island. i’ve been trying to spear a palani ever since i dove in yoran island, okinawa. the reason is because i want to eat the liver. see that thing in my hand? i dug it out of the stomach guts. i tried it in yoran and it tasted like clam. and the palani sashimi was good too. that will be my dinner tonight. i’ll let you know how it tastes…