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good morning. the jet lag continues. got up at 3:30am again feel fresh. had a great time in hokkaido. besides being 10 degrees cold and raining, it was super fun hanging out in sapporo. in the 24 hours i was there, i ate so much food. my waist is getting wide and it’s time for me to go back to hawaii and burn it off in the surf. or maybe i’ll be lucky today and burn it off surfing in japan? my flight leaves tonight so that gives me a full day of something to do. better get going as some friends are going to swing by and pick me up.
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of the 24 hours in sapporo, i must have walked about 2 hours. what a cool city!
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i got the chance to watch some horse racing. i also got to see some amazing race horses. it’s unbelievable how much muscle they have.
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what an interesting billion dollar sport.
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as i left sapporo, i was thinking about the next time i will be there. i told myself that i’m going to snowboard next season so this airport should be covered in snow the next time i land.
as for the waves in hawaii? the south shore continues to pump! i’m pretty sure everybody is getting burnt out so there should be plenty of left over waves for me. as soon as i land tomorrow in honolulu, i’m going straight to the beach. see you there!
