welcome to the Molokai Airport. the friendliest airport in the world.
breathtaking views. i wish i can take my boat to Molokai and dive around the whole island.
this is the backside of our rental house. i totally spaced out and didn’t take any photos of the inside. what an idiot! but just let me say this, “it was pretty dam luxury.”
i went out into the backyard one early morning to get closer to the deer. then as i was running, i felt needles in my foot!
kiawe trees are all over the place. and if you get poked by a thorn, it hurts a lot.
a lot of locals hunt deer or wild boar. it’s so cool to live off the land.
one day, i was dreaming of how i would live my life on molokai. i would dive for fish, and i would hunt for wildlife. i would have a garden in my yard for vegetables. my daily routine would be to dive for a few fish in the morning, then pick some opihi. then go for a surf. then get my bow and arrow ready for some evening hunting in the mountains. then i’d come home and eat what mother nature provided me on that given day. that would be my simple life, and that would be stress free. should i stay? or should i go? haha. but if i decide to take that lifestyle, my home would be open for everyone. a trip like this could really change your life. it did mine 3 times already.