the waves weren’t as good as yesterday, but still good enough to get barreled. thank you Kyle for taking this photo from the beach while i was riding in the tube! i surfed for a few hours, talked for one, and got home by 11:30am. a very productive morning and a very happy one.
my friend Brent scuba dives a lot. luckily he’s a nice guy because he found a go-pro on his recent dive. somebody lost it and he went home to upload the photos to try find this unlucky person.
please look at these 2 photos closely and if you know any one of these guys, please let me know asap. Brent wants to give the go-pro back to it’s japanese owners and i hope they get it back too.
this has to have been recent. divers leaving kewalo basin in the morning hours to dive the Sea Tiger Wreck. he found it at 100′ down so whoever lost it thinks it’s gone forever. but Treasure Hunter Dr. Brent will hopefully find its owners. i hope so too!