Hardcore Flying in the Philippines….


good morning. happy saint patrick’s day!! better wear your green. if you don’t wear green today, your going to get pinched. well, that’s how it was when i was a kid. is that true? it’s 7:15am and the waves on the north shore looks pretty fun. pipe’s 3-4′ and cleaner than yesterday. 15 guys out and i bet you can paddle out there and get a lot of waves because nobody’s here. town has some waist high waves. one guy out at rockpiles and 13 or so at bowls. stay away from kewalos’ because every single amateur surfer is there for the NSSA HAWAII RVCA REGIONAL contest. a little morning sickness today but should be cleaning up. it’s just another typical spring day here in hawaii. i’m going to ride my green surfboard today. some saint patrick spirit. have a good one…
spent one hour last night making a short clip on my last philippines trip. should be up on video tonight or tomorrow. stay tuned…

flying on domestic flights in third world countries is pretty interesting….. all these excess luggage has to fit on a plane not bigger than a VW vanagon….

well, maybe a little bigger. this is a 20 seat passenger airplane…..

customized for 10 people and 8 surfboard bags….

and this is the airport. classic yeah? this is the smallest airport i’ve ever flown into…

these are the baggage handler helpers….

complete airport and airplane in one photo. stay tuned for video….
