hey, wanted to thank everybody who sent in comments about vol. 4. yes, we are getting bigger and better and i’m happy there is something in there for all of you. now i’ll break things down. first starting with Oceans Best Friends.
Oceans Best Friends was an idea that happened as things went along. it was an idea we had to make the best out of nothing. what i mean is the wave forecast was FLAT for the whole trip. but so what? a surf trip is all about making the best out of the worst. we drove along and met friends and made new friends. that trip opened my eyes to the beauty of the people of japan and made me appreciate every single person we met along the way. mari-chan was the mastermind behind the article by both layout design and text. she also took a lot of beautiful photos that were published. i was really impressed on the outcome of the article we left in her hands, especially being her first job. yeah, she learned photoshop on the job. i’d have to say that mari-chan did an excellent job and can easily be an editor, layout designer, or anything she wants to be. yes, she’s that smart! so i wanted to thank Mari Sullivan and once again thank everybody that made Oceans Best Friends trip a total success. can’t wait for the next one!