Free: UAL One Time Pass Lounge Card


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was so stoked to watch the boys surf in the contest in portugal. too bad Seth and Joshua lost in the 4th round. they were both surfing so good but couldn’t find the good waves. glad to see pops Tony Moniz enjoying his life watching his kids grow into world champion surfers. have a safe flight home boys and once again, good job in representing hawaii!
i was up at the University of Hawaii the other day. just remembering how my college days were so dam fun. my brain was like a sponge at that time absorbing all kinds of information. i still don’t know how the heck i graduated because i sure surfed a lot during that time. but now that i think about it, surfing probably got me through college. no stress for me during those golden days. i kind of miss it.
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pulled this photo off my camera of the 2 cutie Yamari kids on the way to go surfing that day. it was so fun!
ever been in a United Airlines Club Lounge before? free food, free beer, free shower, free wifi, and free relax time. i have an extra pass that will expire on february 28, 2015. good for the long layovers and good for any airport in the world. if you want it, it’s yours. just send me your address and remember i only have one so better hurry up.
