El Nino and Positive Life


well, typhoon season is starting up in the western pacific. a super typhoon and a baby typhoon taking its course right now. many many more to come. please be safe.
this year is supposed to be an El Nino year for hawaii. that means light winds, and more rain. that means glassy surfing conditions, and perfect fishing and diving conditions. i’m not complaining.
Bobby sent me this photo asking me if this is real? yes, the fish is real, the fishermen are real, and most important, the photographer is real real good. the fish just looks bigger than it is because it’s in perspective of the fishermen. closer so bigger. good photographer.
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been having so much fun surfing. this morning was empty and very good. just a few guys, a lot of waves, and a lot of fun surfing.
every time i come across a good quote, i keep it on my desktop. just so that it can remind me of how i want to live out this beautiful life.
A Negative Mind will NEVER Give you a Positive Life!
think about it, live it, and enjoy your beautiful life.
