so happy to get our normal weather back! hot sun, cool winds, passing showers, and lots and lots of rainbows.
today was yet another beautiful day! i just love the blue sky!
had a great afternoon surf session with Yoshida-san. super cool surfer from Nara that just loves to surf!
then i start getting the texts “tsunami coming!” so i check the news and find out there was a big earthquake in chile. tsunami approximate hawaii arrival time is tomorrow morning at 3am.
our little islands in the middle of the pacific is so vulnerable. an earthquake anywhere can generate a tsunami to our islands.
so i rushed down to the yacht club to prepare for tonight. make sure i have rope, water, blanket, pillow, and a couple of beers.
even if a .5m or 2′ tsunami hits this harbor, it’s going to reek havoc. as long as i’m in hawaii, there is no way i’ll leave Mayuki here. i’m going to do what the fisherman in tohoku did and head out to the ocean. the safest place to be.
got my bed ready. going to gaze at the stars, inhale the fresh winds, and sleep on the rocking ocean. then when i wake up, i’ll go catch a few waves at sunrise.
i’m also taking my fishing poles because i’ll probably get so bored of floating around in the sea. may as well be productive and do something. anyway, going to be a long night. first have to go watch a volleyball game, meet a friend for dinner, then head out to sea. wish me luck!