Earthquake Alarm Clock


good morning from japan. wow, wanted to have a deep much needed sleep
today so i closed all the curtains, turned off my phone, put in my
earplugs, and meditated until i was in a deep sleep last night. then i
felt something weird? my bed was shaking? the hangers in the closet
were making noise? is it another earthquake? yup. a dam earthquake
woke me up in tokyo. when will it stop? it shook for 30 seconds and
there came all the flashbacks of the images i seen in tohoku. i wish
things can get back to normal here in japan. i’m in tokyo now and
everything is ok, but up north, it’s a totally different story.
matsu took that photo of the bathroom at Kitaizumi in fukushima. there
was a surfboard lying there and when looking at it, you just can’t stop
to think about what the future of surfing will be. some people tell me
tell me it will be months or years until you can surf in fukushima
again. others tell me that you will never be able to surf in fukushima
again. with the nuclear plant still leaking radiation into the water
and still not under control, it’s just as hard as it was last time to
leave japan. i’m flying back to hawaii tonight and am thinking about
mission 4. is it time to round up volunteers to go into the troubled
fukushima plant and fix it ourselves? why can’t somebody in this world
fix it? it’s been over 2 months? why even build such a thing that
can’t be fixed? what were the people who proposed this project
thinking? everyday i check the news on the fukushima plant because to
me, that’s the main problem. and everyday, it’s all bad news. if
somebody has the balls to step up and go in and fix it, take me with
you. i’ll hold the wrench, i’ll plug the hole, i’ll do the dirty work.
let’s just fix this dam problem that’s keeping this whole world on the
edge. i better go because i’m getting upset.
oh, didn’t want to forget to thank each and every one of you who made
missions 1, 2, and 3 possible. you will all be in my heart forever.
see you back in hawaii.
