Okinawan Adventure Woman!


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if i had to describe Judy-chan in one word, it would have to be “adventurous.” more than one word? model, actress, director, surfer, free diver, yoga, traveler, and the list goes on. but most importantly, she’s a great friend with a great heart.
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Judy-chan is really a short boarder but i told her to long board this day because the waves were small. yes, i think i lied! haha. this wave was pretty dam big. over her head for sure! this is perfect surfing!
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i was testing out my new lens this day and the photos turned out freaking beautiful!
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great surfing girl! thanks for the laughs and smiles! see you in okinawa! and looking forward to seeing the new film you’re currently working on!
tomorrow morning the waves are going to be huge! maybe too big for the pipe masters but i think they will try to run it anyway. so stoked to see my 3 nephews Seth, Joshua, and Isaiah Moniz in the contest! they will take the top 2 and seed them into the WSL main event! check out some of the names on this list. omg, all giant killers. Mick Fanning and Felipe Toledo won’t be sleeping well. haha.
been working on a project. just taking my time putting lures together. so fun!
