Transit Manila: Facial, Yakiniku, Cover Bands


gosh, my philippines trip seemed like years ago. time is flying so fast this year. can you believe it’s already may? omg! anyway, on my last lay day in manila, i decided to pamper myself. so i went to this spa near my hotel.
walked in and got the full body massage, foot massage, and facial. facial? yeah, that was my first time in my life i had work done on my face. they put these masks on, peeled it off, and i felt like a young teenager after.
i touched my face after and it felt so smooth! and it’s unbelievable how good the service was, and more unbelievable how good i felt after. it was 2 hours long and only cost me $15. i will definitely go back there again.
Carter and i had a great time. just enjoying the culture, the people, the surf, and the food. check out our yakiniku dinner.
and can you believe we at all of this??? yes we did!
and the best thing to do at night in the philippines is to sit in a bar and listen to “cover bands” playing all the best songs from the 80’s. they would play all night long!
it’s like a free concert with $1 cold beers. and if you request a song, they will play it. the best cover bands in the world. so yes, going back to the philippines and getting a full massage and facial, then eat a great dinner, and then finish up the night listening to awesome music is definitely on my top destinations for 2016. i would even just go there for a day if i could.
*oh, and people still ask me if the philippines is dangerous. my answer is “this whole world is dangerous. just be smart and alert, even here in hawaii. then you should be fine.”
