Surfrider Foundation presents ROKKASHOMURA RHAPSODY….


good morning. 7am monday morning. i just looked outside my house and couldn’t believe how perfect the weather is. deep blue sky with zero clouds. wow…. got some waves around the island too. chest high waves in town, not too many guys out. seen 8 guys out at bowls and not too many at the park. surfed out? yeah… north shore got some small lines coming in. small now but supposed to get 5′ tomorrow. the conditions? perfect sheet glass. just like mentawai. i’m going to get a session in before it gets too hot. have a nice day….

ok, got some information on the ROKKASHOMURA RHAPSODY event coming up. it’s sponsored by surfrider foundation oahu and japan chapter and will be held at the spalsing hall auditorium at the university of hawaii manoa campus. july 12 and 13 so don’t miss it. if you surf, you should see it. if you dive, you should see it. if you want to enjoy our ocean in the future, you should see it. everybody should see it. i’m going and hope to see you there… more information coming up…
**check out one of the most inspirational video i’ve ever seen. i got chicken skin…
