Lifetime Boat Trip Memories



want to thank Kimura-san for sending me photos of his last trip to Papua. this was the trip i really wanted to go on, but couldn’t. it would have been with some of my lifetime japanese friends!

and so happy to see Kimura-san surfing so good!

and of course, Kimura-san was probably the most popular uncle in Papua. this man just loves to give, give, and give.

and Kimura-san also sent me a photo of a statue of himself. wow, same face! haha. put back on your pants Kimura-san!

and i have no idea why he would send me out of focused photos of birds? i don’t get it.

want to thank Takami-san and Toda-san for the box of gifts! so stoked!

i’ll make sure Hiyori-chan and the girls gets to make this japanese gingerbread house when she comes to hawaii. can’t wait for that.

and i’ll put this under Matues’s christmas tree. i’m sure it will put a huge smile on his face come christmas morning.

fascinating trip with the boys this past week. i was truly amazed on how far they’ve come. makes me so proud of them.

Gen use to freak out at sharks when i first took him diving. in fact, all the kids were. now, they realize that it’s part of nature, and we’re entering their world. love it, or leave it.

of all the outer island trips i’ve done, this one has to have been the hardest. we went through storm after storm. we tried to sleep in storm after storm. cold feet, wet clothes, and even the kids sleeping in puddles of water. but in the end, we all stuck together and that’s all that mattered. i knew these kids since they were kids, and now i know them even better. this will surely be a lifetime memory for all of us. and when they get older, they can tell their own kids how their crazy Uncle Kirby drove Mayuki in the wildest conditions. haha.

and yes, the maintenance goes on and on. have to go back down to replace the bilge pumps. wasn’t working right and lucky it didn’t cause us to sink.
