Osaka Kids Yoga Yade!



omg, look how cute these kids are doing English Yoga! omg, this sure beats playing games on a digital device. i’m so proud of Yumi-chan for doing something nobody else is doing. teaching the kids Yoga and English at the same time makes it so fun to do both. makes me want to join too!

haha. so cute! i’m sure these kids lives will be better and healthier already just by doing these important yoga poses. brilliant idea!

Yumi-chan last year with the ultimate experience. surfing and watching the dolphins swim next to us was something i will never forget. some people are really lucky, and Yumi-chan is one of them.
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vog or smog? vog is created by the volcanic activity. smog is created by automobile exhaust. i prefer vog by far.

i bought this little gardenia tree when Mateus just started walking. now the plant has provided hundreds of sweet flowers for us all year long.

this is the perfect fish assortment in my cooler. i open it, pick what i want to eat for the night, and prepare it. so far, my dinners for the week were all free from nature. so healthy and so happy!
Saint Laurent

did you see the new Saint Laurent advertisement? omg, what is this world coming too? why would you want to see between someones legs like this? she should get scoldings from her mother.

i took this photo right down my street the other day. this is what happens when you lock a bike to a pole near my house. then a few days later, somebody broke my nieces car window and tried to steal her car right in front of my house. then yesterday, 2 men tried to burglarize my neighbors house when she was outside in her garden. she caught them and they ran away. anyway, i can feel the bad people coming closer to me, and i’m ready to defend myself and my property.

last, want to congratulate Naomi-san for continuing to be an inspiration for so many in Ishinomaki and the world. this Supermom inspired me from the first time i met her. and ever since then, she’s been inspiring me on her will and courage to rebuild her city that got wiped out by the tsunami. nothing can get in this woman’s way! great job and amazing smile Naomi-san. can’t wait to see you and Hiyori-chan very soon. We Are One!
