Raw Japan


i really needed a day to reset. just from the 9 hour flight from Hawaii, the train rides, the taxi rides, the other airplane rides, the car rides, and everything else. my body was telling me to rest so i listened. now i’m feeling 1000x better and am ready for the next 3 busy days ahead. so stoked!

i use to come to Yokohama many times before. but since it’s been a long time, i was happy to see the amazing city lights again.

and walking by a flower shop, i just have to stop to get some fresh sweet air.

and walking down the streets and stumbling upon unique restaurants hidden off the beaten path.

first starting off with a cold draft beer.

then since i’m in Japan, i eat things i can only eat in Japan. take this fresh chicken sashimi platter for example. raw chicken is one of my favorites!

only here for a few more days so hope to fill up my appetite with the most delicious foods! welcome to the best foods in the whole wide world!
