Sakura Lunch Date @ Tokyo


enjoyed the last of my view in Yokohama before i had to move on. gosh, i did’t want to check out of my room.

getting on the train isn’t so beautiful but i was excited to get to my Tokyo Cherry Blossom date on time!

and when i met my partners at Naka-Meguro, we were in total awe as we watched the full blooming of the sakura.

and it wasn’t only us. there were so many other people having date day under the cherry trees.

and you didn’t need a date to enjoy this annual event. this man was enjoying it by himself with his beer and pupus. so cute.

then the three of us headed to the most amazing lunch in Tokyo. we were so excited!

they call this place Niwa because of the fresh vegetables they use right from the garden outside.

omg, we started off with the most refreshing drink ever! i can’t even explain how good it was.

this menu changes all time and you will never be disappointed. i wanted to eat every single thing on the menu.

it’s amazing how Yuri-san starts us off with the most simple, but delicious dishes.

and it keeps on getting better and better. this squid was the best.

and the stuff shiitake mushrooms were the best too.

and the spinach was the best too.

and omg, the eggplant was the best too! haha. everything was getting better and better. the best of the best.

and of course, the rice was cooked to perfection.

i ordered the grilled fish for my main course. something you won’t find in Hawaii.

and the perfect closer dessert with hot tea.

want to thank my boys for the wonderful sakura and lunch date in Tokyo. yeah, we must have looked weird to a lot of people, but i can say we had the most fun! haha.

and want to thank Yuri-san for making us so food happy! your restaurant is five stars and we will surely be back very soon.

then we jumped on the shinkansen, rented a car, and ended up in heaven. life only gets better and better as we sit in an onsen resort, enjoy our friends, and continue to make our lives a better place. We Are One!
