We Are King in Kitakami


we arrived at our final destination in the evening. the most coolest onsen resort hidden deep in the mountains of Kitakami. it was so beautiful.

this was the entrance to our room. super old school Japanese style that reminded me of my grandparents.

and the onsen is a main attraction.

gosh, i haven’t seen a phone in Japan like this in a while.

let the We Are One party begin!

i walked into the party room and i couldn’t believe my eyes! i felt like i was walking into a Yokozuna Sumo party or something?

but the difference was, we were the Yokozuna’s! haha. so happy to be here with the core of We Are One! Naomi-san and Matsu and the rest of us have become a family.

i still can’t believe the food and setting. it was my first time i experienced this in the 27 years i’ve been coming to Japan.

this is for one person? really? i ended up eating it all and then had to lie down to rest my full stomach. haha.

Naomi-san is very proud of the products of Kitakami and this is why.

watching Hiyori-chan and the kids perform for us was amazing. deep Kitakami culture!

and so happy to see Ryoko-san and little Taito-kun. just looking at this photo is making me tear up right now.

enjoying the nature of Tohoku.

then us 3 boys slept and took turns waking each other up with our loud snoring. haha.

it’s crazy how the earthquake/tsunami of 2011 changed our lives. and when you’re with the most positive group of people in the world, you can only smile at life and it’s challenges. living the moment, and living life to the fullest. that’s what We Are One is all about.
