wow, what another long mission. in fact, it was a mission in a mission. we started off with 9, as 5 went back to tokyo, the rest of the 4 drove even deeper into tohoku. missions 1, 2, and 3, i lost a lot of weight. mission 4 was different. we were invited into warm loving homes and fed the most healthy and delicious meals. i actually gained 3 kilos or 6 lbs. i’m sure everybody else gained weight too. as i sit here in my hotel in tokyo downloading all the photos off my camera, one thing is obvious. the faces of the people who lost their homes or loved ones are starting to shine. they are so strong and it’s unbelievable how genuine they are. seeing everybody heal made our team feel wonderful. there is still lots more to do and like i told everybody we visited for the past 4 missions, “WE WILL BE BACK!”
i wanted to say great job to our team, wanted to say thank you to everybody that made this possible, and most of all, wanted to say thank you to the people of japan who inspire people all around this world, including me. WE ARE ONE!
well, better empty out my bag, and get ready for a short trip to somewhere that has blue water, blue sky, white sandy beaches, and a lot of mensore! do you know where? see you there!