One Breath, One Fish!


what a wonderful Christmas day! so tempting to surf, but more tempting to dive. the conditions were absolutely perfect!

didn’t have that much time so hit 30mph down to my secret spot.

all this time, i’ve been trying to teach Asayama-san how to dive comfortably with one breath. and he finally got it!

look at him go! looks like a professional!

wait on the bottom and hunt. the more calm you are, the more calm the fish.

one breath, one fish! BAM!

i couldn’t believe how perfectly Asayama-san was diving. all these dive Boot Camp days finally paid off! dinner on the table!

people go dive and see one turtle if their lucky. i can see 15 in one spot. and even more if i wake them up.

this papio was lucky i let him go. next time buddy!

going deep, relaxing, and feeling nature. free diving will calm anyone’s mind. i was so proud of Asayama-san!

look at all the Christmas presents for everyone!

then i took a special guest surfing in afternoon. only a few surfers out and perfect long waves. spent my whole Christmas in the ocean and it was a day to remember!
