passed by my friends house and couldn’t believe they just lifted it up??? now they are going to double the size by building below it. great idea!
the colors of Tamura on 10th Avenue.
this is Energy Man! the toughest 68 year old i know.
surfing 9 different surf spots in 16 days. i think i ran out of energy before Asayama-san did. haha.
i’m really missing Japan! i miss the food, i miss my family, i miss my friends, and i miss everything! and i really miss this truffle.
just by looking at this photo, i can smell it again! this was the most luxury meal of a lifetime.
and i forgot, the steak was pretty good too! haha. i mean it was excellently good! i think i’m going to take a vacation very soon. it’s time to eat up some good food!
i was laughing when i saw this photo my friend Holli sent me. she knows me best. she knows that i’m a surfer. she knows that surfing is my life. and she knows that i won’t go out if the waves are good the next morning. been 30 plus years and counting…