Surfing Pop’s Waikiki


Nakahodo-san wanted to surf somewhere different. so i took him to the birthplace of surfing, Waikiki!

and it couldn’t have been any more beautiful then it was today. look at this!!!

i like to surf Waikiki because i like to people watch. watching everybody have a wonderful time just sharing and enjoying waves. a lot different than Ala Moana.

and yeah, you won’t find more girls than boys at any other spot in the world. welcome to Pop’s!

Nakahodo-san wanted to surf a wave you won’t find in Okinawa. Okinawa is hollow and shallow. Pop’s is the exact different. so yes, it’s so easy…

been a while since i walked the board. i fell right after this cross step because i looked down. opps…

Takami-san on the nice cutback. so nice to see Toda-san, Maki-san, and Takami-san out enjoying this beautiful morning.

Nakahodo-san on the wave of the day! look how beautiful this wave is! he ended up riding it all the way in.

i can just take off, look at Diamond Head, and feel so free.

Takami-san on her last wave.

Nakahodo-san on his last wave.

felt so fulfilled and this was only half a day? the other half coming soon…
