Polished Fried Rice


this is as clean as a boat can ever get. absolute beauty…

i have a VHF in Mayuki but never used it before. i guess you can say that’s good right? anyway, i was playing with it to figure it out. still can’t figure out how it works. haha.

isn’t nature so amazing? look at these beautiful photos taken by professionals. this one looks like it came out of a movie.

and yes, nature showing her love to us. this should be the National Geographic Photo of the Year…

Saori-san is in Ise enjoying the surf…

and enjoying the food. when i saw this, i got so jealous that i didn’t even want to reply to her. haha.

for me, i looked in my refrigerator and took out ingredients to make this delicious fried rice. i’ve been making my fried rice like this since my college days. and that will never change because i love it!
