Safety Surfing


so stoked to surf with the boys on some shortboards. this is Genki-kun’s first wave and he ripped it hard!

for only 2 years experience, this kid is super good!

and to be able to smile and surf at the same time is great. it shows confidence and poise…

Father and Son enjoying a perfect wave at Bowls…

Mizoguchi-san practiced on the longboard so when he came down to the shortboard, it was pretty easy for him.

riding long and perfect waves.

thank you boys for the amazing time! so stoked to longboard and shortboard with you guys. keep on ripping!

when i tell people to spread apart in the ocean, some don’t know why i’m saying that. maybe because they don’t see things like this? well, i see it all the time and i don’t want anybody who surfs with me to get hurt. so for this example, luckily Father and Son were at a safe distance. if not, somebody would have getting stabbed by a flying surfboard. ouch! good safety surfing guys…
