Fortune of Friends…


well, decided to explore more and more around this beautiful world so got a portable VHF and GPS. i can take these anywhere and everywhere with me so hopefully i won’t get lost like i use to do. but if i don’t get lost, what’s the fun about traveling? haha.

it’s crazy how i can just jump on Mayuki anytime and go anywhere i want. if i could ride her to Japan, you know i would. but for now, i’m trying to connect the dots and go as far as possible. i even thought about putting a sail on her. haha. FREEDOM!

and it’s nice to know Mayuki can take me to the most secret spots in the middle of the ocean. so far from anyone so you can foil naked if you want to and never get caught. maybe next time.

here is my fortune in my fortune cookie last night. “you will have many friends when you need them.” i always need my friends so it make me realize who they really are. and yes, i love them all…
