Dream Surfer Parents


each and every wave, you would see a bigger and bigger smile.

and the smile never goes away…

each and every wave, you will see a stronger and stronger man.

and that strong man will be a happy man.

each and every wave, you will see improvement and improvement.

and with each improvement, you will see the smile of a lifetime.

enjoy each and every precious moment of your life…

and when you ride your last wave in, you will feel like a Champion!

around this world, there are a few families that i really envy. the love, the respect, the warm hearts, and the kindness always makes me feel so good to be around. these are families i would have loved to be born into. the Iwata-san family is one of them. thank you Mama and Papa for the family vibe. it makes me feel so happy!

and thank you Noriko-san for introducing me to your wonderful parents. you are one lucky Daughter. keep on surfing girl!
