Trouble in Paradise


 last weeks crazy weather was pretty cool to see.  biggest waves ever recorded, strongest winds ever recorded, and lowest temperatures ever recorded.  it was a once in a lifetime kind of event.   i love events like this…  recently, there have been a lot of bad things happening right here in Hawaii.  locals are stealing from locals.  sad… and locals stealing from charities.  somebody stole the rims and tires off this Boys and Girls Club van. i’d never thought these kind of things would happen here in paradise.   and the newest trend is breaking windows and stealing everything inside.   my truck got broken into right outside my house.   this one in a lighted parking lot.  i guess nowhere is safe anymore.   opps, the only safe place is the ocean!  rainbows and pure nature!   and when you have a foil, nothing else bothers you. and when you can foil into the rainbow, everything is all good!   so get a foil and forget about all the thieves here in Hawaii because that isn’t going away…last, thank yo Miwa-san for all the good treats!
