Vision it and Build it…


 last time when i was sitting in my hotel room at a newly built hotel in Yokohama, something caught my eye.  there was a custom frame built around the TV!  it looked so cool and i was thinking it would match perfectly in my house. it looked super clean and cool.  so i took this photo and thought i’d build one when i got back to Hawaii.    this is how my wall looked for the past many many years.   but with my foot still swollen and sore, i had nothing else better to do but do something that will bring me joy.   so i bought the lumber and got to work.  it cost me about $80 and didn’t take that much of my time to build it.

so here it is!  the finished look.  now my living room looks 10x better and cooler.  i just love it!   next time i travel, i’ll look for another project.  then i’ll vision it, and build it!
