Secret vs. No Secret


hanging out yesterday evening watching the most amazing sunset.   it was then Asayama-san and i decided where to surf today.  straight to our secret spot only accessible by Mayuki…

i was watching Bowls all day and it was good, but very crowded.  every hungry surfer on the island showed up and every wave had 2-3 surfers on it.

it was the total opposite for us.  many unridden waves, bigger, and thicker.

Asayama-san probably caught his best waves on the South Shore.  no stress when there’s nobody around.   i foiled the biggest and hollowest waves i’ve ever attempted.   i’m practicing for this summer because i plan to charge some big sets at Bowls and Big Rights.  that dream is going to be reality this upcoming Summer…

i told Asayama-san that we can’t take photos here.  it’s secret and the only place on the island you will find an empty barrel on a Sunday.  but i’ll never forget Asayama-san’s amazing waves he caught today.  no fear and very calm.  as for me, i was freaking out and pretty scared taking these drops with my foil.  haha…

thank you Asayama-san for the Yoku Moku!  it’s almost gone already.  haha…

then went long boarding this afternoon with Team Pavilion.  Tomami-san enjoying the ride.  more photos coming soon…

what a surprise!!!  so happy to see Yumi-chan and Takuya-kun!!!!  just seeing you guys makes me so happy!!!   two of the most positive people in the world…
