A Long Journey Home…..

good morning from japan. wow, i’m on stopover here and am glad to be back in a clean country. 18 days in indonesia and malaysia took a lot out of me. but the experiences and exploring will be with me forever. i’m ready to go back home to my normal life, well, just for a month. then it’s back to the same countries again for the same thing. and i can’t wait….
so here i come back to japan and turn on the news, only to bad news. nothing seems to be going good in this world right now. swine flu? why didn’t anybody tell me about that? i’ve eaten more pork in the past week then i’ve eaten in my life. and everything else in the world seems to be negative. i’m really starting to hate the news. anything positive happening these days?
anyway, i’m sleeping all day today and when i get on my flight tonight, i’m going to drink a cold beer and watch a movie. then be jet lagged for the next week in hawaii. but it’s ok because time won’t matter to me. i’ll just work and go with the flow…. a positive flow…
hope everything is going well for everybody and see you all soon…. kirby
**oh, here is the blog i tried to post from the airport in malaysia.

good evening. here i am sitting at kuala lumpur airport getting ready for a long journey back to hawaii. 40 hours later, i should be landing in honolulu airport. it’s been 30 days and 30 nights and i’m exhausted. i can’t wait to sleep in my own bed, and the first thing i want to eat is poke, poi and lau lau. but first, i’m going to eat some sushi in japan tomorrow during my transit. can’t wait….
oh, i’m totally reset. i’ve been away long enough from my computer and cel. phone so i’m ready to work, work, and work. got so many things to do in so little time but what’s new? life goes on and i can’t wait for tomorrow…. see you all soon….
**by the way, what’s up with the mad pork influenza thing going on? i’ve been eating pork here in malaysia everyday and wasn’t watching the news…. i hope i’m ok…. oink oink….

narita transit

half way home.

Boat Trip Maldives Party….

when your on a boat in the maldives with a big awesome group, you tend to do things you don’t normally do…

like get the bartender drunk until he falls asleep on the bar. then have free drinks all night….

then get the permanent pen out and draw, laugh, draw, laugh, draw, and laugh… haha… this maldives bartender got a dose of japanese entertainment with a japanese permanent marker. it was pretty funny but after i thing about it, he deserved it for charging us $6/drink for 2 weeks straight. shame on you[:?????????:][:?????????:]