this is japan


Aku Eats #1 Hawaii's Restaurant Guide

good morning!!! i just won a million dollars!! april fools… it’s 5:30am and the first thing i want to do is wish my BFF Holli Higa a HAPPY BIRTHDAY[:??$B!^(B??????:]. this is the first time in years that i’m actually in hawaii on this day. holli, sorry i can’t celebrate your birthday with you but as soon as i get on my plane, i’ll order a champagne and do a kanpai for your birthday[:????????????:]. hope you have a good one…
well, the day has finally come. i’m out of here. i got my trunks, camera, surfboard, speargun, and that’s pretty much all i need for this trip. as soon as i get to japan, i got my cell phone that can do live blogs so i’m going live. got to meet tony and seth at the airport and will be with them for the next 10 days so i bet my sister will be checking out my blog. haha.. just wanted to say bye to all my friends in hawaii. be back soon. and be back with many many stories…. and wanted to say hi to all my friends in japan. hope to see you all. you got my cell number, it’s the same as last years. give me a call….
**by the way, BFF means (best friends forever), and that’s what holli higa is to me…. and you might ask why i’m up so dam early when my flight leaves this afternoon? it’s because i’m so dam excited that i couldn’t sleep last night… haha… have a nice day….
**parties, cruzing, diving, beer funneling, fighting, or making trouble. that’s what we use to do back in high school growing up in hawaii kai. our little group was pretty nuts and till this day, i don’t even know how we all made it to graduation. i guess out teachers just wanted us off the campus. after high school, we entered the real world and everybody went their separate ways. it wasn’t until 10 years ago, i seen this guy sitting in the corner in the gym reading his book sitting near heaviest dumbells. he reads a little, puts his book down, grabs the heaviest dumbells (150lbs/each), and just starts pumping it like it were feathers. i tripped out on how strong that guy was. he puts down his weights, grabs his book, and starts reading again. i take a closer look at this guy because he looks familiar. oh my gosh, that’s Stan Ehara!! or better known as Stan Da Man…. stan was the kind of guy that once he put his mind into something, he focuses and puts all his effort into it. just like lifting those dumbells. now days, stan has been focusing and putting all his efforts into his new project…..

aku eats is the best restaurant guide we have here in hawaii. over 500 restaurants listed, in other words, practically every restaurant on the island. details, address, directions, phone numbers, and everything. stan did an awesome job putting together this website, a website that i check every time before i go out to eat. remember this one because you won’t see anything better then aku eats…

**throw away the yellow pages, forget driving around looking for a place to eat. instead, CLICK HERE BEFORE YOU LEAVE HOME AND MAKE YOUR DINING A BETTER EXPERIENCE…
**stan was super cool and gave me a plug. CHECK IT OUT… thanks stan…

North Shore to Niseko with Hayato Maki….

good evening. today was just another beautiful day here in hawaii. surfed bowls, wet to play at my secret beach, ate a good lunch, got some things done, had a great dinner, and now i’m packing. i’m so tired but know that once i get on that plane, i’m going to watch a movie and drink a beer. so it will be a long night but i ain’t complaining… have a nice evening….

when i went to the ocean expo, i seen this boat that looked like mine. same size, same motor, same concept. the only thing different was this guys boat had a barbecue on the back….

now i know what i’m going to buy myself for my birthday, or christmas, or boys day, or any special occasion. as soon as i get back, one of these are going on my boat. imagine spearing a fish, then putting it right on the barbecue…. oh my gosh!!!

then for next years birthday, i’m buying me one of these. $85,000? not too bad… haha… call me a dreamer….

i was just checking out the new designs for this spring on SPICECLOTHING.COM. i can’t wait to get my new clothes when i get to japan…

i’ve been designing the dove wetsuit ad’s for a while now. this months ad was the easiest because i was sent 2 awesome photos. a surfing photo from kamio, and a snowboarding photo from kage. one week in hawaii, and the next week in hokaido. all but 2 weeks apart. hayato is living a dream life. a dream life that i thought i only lived… haha.. right on hayato.. see you in a couple of weeks on the boat in indo…. “ALWAYS SEARCHING FOR THE PERFECT WAVE”… that’s us.. that’s DOVE WETSUITS….