Paradise City….

Today is Paradise in Hawaii…. Saiko!!!!

2008 TSSC Users Cup…

good morning. 6:30am and the waves are looking small again. these are the kind of days you have to go driving around looking for a little compact wave for you and your buddies. i know where i’m going. hope you find your little barrel today…. oh, had a question? i’m looking for a suitcase. a medium size hard one that has wheels. it has to be good quality because i’m going to be living out of it when i travel for the next 5 years. it has to be light, and strong and not the fabric ones. i remember there use to be a luggage store in ward warehouse but it’s not there anymore. i was looking online last night and couldn’t find one. i want to walk into a store and just buy one. and i already checked macy’s. if you know were i can get one, please let me know. thanks a lot….

**the annual TSSC USERS CUP in shikoku, japan is coming up in a few weeks. it’s a contest i’ve been going to for the last 15 years or so. good people, good surfing, good vibe, and good fun. we always have a great time and i can’t wait till this year. i found some video clips i took. the problem is i borrowed matsuo’s camera and it took it in a different format. so i had to convert it using some weird software and it cut out the best parts of the clips. the last 4 seconds of every clip is gone so pretty much the best part. anyway, check it out if you have time. this year, i’m going to make a much better one…. see you in shikoku!!!

Team Aoi Koike in Hawaii….

good evening. meet team aoi koike. they are staying on the north shore and are preparing for the upcoming contest at pipeline….. these girls rip!! good luck girls…

this is aoi today. yeah, i said today. the reason why is because my friends don’t believe me how good the waves were on the north shore, neither did i. i had to go out there anyway so before i left town, i threw my board in the car just in case. good thing because there was one secret spot on the north shore that was going off!!! it was a little sandbar that was chest high with perfect right and left spitting barrels. blue skies, blue water, blue barrels. i was watching it for a while and there was only one bodyboarder out. after i saw him get barrel after barrel, i had to surf. i jumped for 1 hour and got barreled on every wave. one of my best sessions of the year!!! i’m so happy!!! want to know where it is? never mind. i promised aoi i wouldn’t tell anybody so your going to have to find it yourself. i might have to go back there tomorrow….

and i still can’t get over the volcano explosion in tonga the other day. nuts…

we found this lizard egg in my house and for the past month, were hoping for it to hatch. well, today it finally hatched. but the bad news is that the baby lizard didn’t survive…. poor thing….