Thursday October24日 2024年

Gone Diving….


TSSC New Board…

good morning. cold north winds today. north shore is unsurfable. small and super stormy conditions. town has epic conditions but is flat. you know what that means??? i’ve been waiting for a day like this for a long time. call some friends, load up the boat, put the full suit on, spear some fish, and have a great dinner…. hope you have a nice day…

i just got my new TSSC matchi shape surfboard. so STOKED!!! putting on the stickers is always fun but takes some time. from choosing my stickers to waxing up my board, it usually takes me over 30 minutes. but i never ever complain….

done. how is it? these are my sponsors that have been supporting me for years! i feel like the luckiest surfer on earth…

check out these go-naminori stickers wada-san from japan made for me. “SURF YOUR DREAM”. that’s exactly what i’m doing…

and destination makes the best wax. ever tried it? you should. my board is ready for some action… can’t wait to go-naminori!!! pray for surf!!!

i just checked out kinsan’s blog. he took a photo of me yesterday at off the wall. another day at the office. stoked!! thanks kinsan. check out NAOYA KIMOTO BLOG BY CLICKING HERE…

Winter Hawaiian Weather Again…

good chilly evening. say hello to these north winds because it’s going to be with us for the next 2 days. chilly nights and mornings.[:???:][:???:]

it’s been a while since i left town with no clouds in the sky. i knew it was going to be a nice day..

driving out to the north shore looking at the sunrise on one side of the island, and the full moon setting on the other is pretty cool. the moon was so big but doesn’t look it in this photo. i wonder why?

this was rocky point. fun waves but i surfed off the wall instead. it was solid 6′ when your riding the wave but paddling out it seemed 10′. yeah, try to kick out of a wave and look behind only to see a 10′ huge closeout set coming right at you. then another, and another, and another… just ask jun jo… and shit, on my last wave, i tried to go back out but ended up diving under 15 waves. big waves. that was it so i called it a day.
the winds were weird and so were the waves. not the best day to surf but i guess i had fun. north winds for the next 2 days so it’s time to try out my new speargun. i need to dive to clear out my mind. my mind that is still recovering from travel schedules and taxes. it should be all good by tomorrow evening… hope you have a great evening…

check out this photo of me paddling over an empty wave in indo last year. i’ll be on a boat in indo again next month and hopefully be in barrels like this. i can’t freakin wait!!!