Wednesday October23日 2024年

Kore Kara….

here comes the storm!!
ima kara oki na storm kimasu yo!!

High Surf and Wind Warning….

good windy thursday morning. 6:45am and the waves on the south/west/and north shores are windy onshore and ugly. the south/west winds are blowing at 30mph now and supposed to get up to 60mph later today. today is the kind of day yo have to jump in your car, head to the east side, and know where to look. i heard a few spots were going off yesterday, that’s where i’m heading today and tomorrow… have a nice day…

turtles on the beach are attracting thousands of tourists a day on the north shore. it’s getting out of control. if you leave town after 10am to surf the north shore, it’s better to go the other way around the island. i hope the state can figure out how to fix that problem at lani’s. any idea? i named this turtle “harry”. he’s always at my little secret beach….

these little guys are surfing better and better… in fact, all the groms on the north shore are surfing better and better…
well, gotta get out of here. hope you get some good waves today!!!

Brown Water Again….

good evening. the waves didn’t get as big as they expected but it was big enough for half the tourist on the island. gosh, the north shore was packed with cars today. traffic, people, and frustration. it seems that every year more and more tourists head out to the country. i don’t think it’s anything to do with a surfing boom. i truly feel that it’s because of the new surfing scale. if i were a tourist and heard the waves were going to be 40′, i’d check it out too. and the turtles at laniakea ain’t helping one bit. the other day, a tourist stopped and asked me where the turtles are. i pointed them to foodland. haha. just joking. but after spending a full day out here on the north shore, i don’t think i could live here. surf/dive/have fun, then go back to town. yeah, you can call me a townie if you want. but i’m ok with that…. well, the beers are starting to flow. gotta go enjoy…

passing by laniakea for the past 45 days and seeing how dirty the water is pretty depressing. hayato and tokura-san couldn’t believe how brown and dirty it was. for me, i’m getting use to it. i’m just worried about all those poor fish….

this years dove house is stashed away in a quite place right against the mountain. it’s pretty peaceful….

but once night comes and the beers come out, it won’t be so peaceful. day 1 of many many days. stay tuned…..