North Shore Rainbow…

it’s been a long time since i seen a rainbow. this is north shore
rainbow hisashiburi desu. asa no north shore desu…

Kaiser Cougars Surfboards…

good morning. 6am saturday morning. woke up early because i wanted to go surf, but there’s no surf. small waves everywhere. maybe waist/chest high out on the north shore. getting desperate so i might make the drive out. weather still yucky but i seen a sun mark on the forecast. tuesday we’re expecting sunny[:??????:]skies again. yeah!! i’m going to put on my speedos, rub my body with oil, and soak up the sun. i can’t wait…. anyway, drive safe and have a nice day. christmas in 5 days? oh my gosh…

this is called a NENUE. these fish are pretty easy to spear because not too many people spear them. i always see schools of nenue but never shoot them because i ate one before and it didn’t taste too good. but i hear from a lot of people that this fish makes good poke. really? i wouldn’t mind trying it someday…

meet cassidy lum. cass is from kaiser so when she emailed me about these boards she and her friend were making, i wanted to post it on my blog. see, i support our kaiser cougars… anyway, this is called a backyard job because it’s pretty much done in the backyard. my brother and i use to make our own surfboards in high school so i know how much work it takes to finish one. and this is the first time i seen a girl make a surfboard. go cass…

this is ryan tabata getting dirty. and itchy. gosh, i give these guys credit for having the inspiration for making their own boards…

cass named this board “the doobie”. gosh, she’s gotta be from kaiser. haha… by the way cass, how can i get a kaiser t-shirt like yours? i’d be pretty dam proud to wear one… go cougars!!!

Filipino Journey….

good evening. small waves and dark cloudy skies around the island today. i drove out to wahiawa at lunch time and it felt like evening. dark, rainy, traffic, and just not a good day to be on the street. i talked to guy hagi today and he told me that we’re in for more shitty weather and small waves. hope you have other hobbies like me. rain or shine, i’m keeping myself busy…. see ya..

the other day i went to hanauma bay, i was a little disappointed. first of all, i had to sit in an orientation for 10 minutes. second, my guests had to pay $5 because they were from japan, and last, there wasn’t too many fish. back in the days when we use to walk over the hill to hanauma bay, it was free for everybody. and there were fish everywhere. i use to jump in with a bag of frozen peas and the fish use to go crazy. it was pretty cool to see. we even fished underwater and took a fish home for lunch sometimes. gosh, those were the days. nowadays, it’s just too regulated. i feel like i’m a kid in there with all the teachers watching me. that sucks…

if you spear a big fish, your more than likely to bend your speargun shaft. i probably bent over 20 shafts in my life. times that by $77each, that’s $1,500 in shafts. so before i take a shot at a big fish now, i calculate in my head; “is this fish worth $77?” most times not. but sometimes yup. that’s why i had to go to the dive shop to pick up another shaft. i’m going to be more careful from now on…

and while we’re on the spearfishing topic, check out how the japanese divers of ishikagi island near okinawa spear fish. they use 18′ pole spears and spear the fish from the top. this guy has an big “ika” or squid on his spear. this works in japan but not in hawaii. the fish here are too dam smart….
**did you know that JOURNEY is back touring? but not with lead singer steve perry. instead, they found another lead singer named arnel pineda from the philippines. can you believe that? i sure can. i’ve been to hostess bars karaoke bars and stuff and nobody sings american songs better than filipinos. not even americans… check out this guy singing faithfully in journey’s recent concert in chile…. amazing….