Saturday October26日 2024年

Switzerland Pro Snowboarder Art Director…

it’s a trip how you meet people on the road. i was checking in to my hotel earlier this spring when i went to thailand. i met this guy in the lobby named grischa rubinick who is from Switzerland. he was one of the first professional snowboarders in his country and moved on to being an art director for a hugh advertising company. i asked him why he was in thailand. he told me that his company pays for him to take a trip on some secluded island where there are no phones or internet access. he goes on these 2 week trips to brainstorm. brainstorm for new ideas for advertising campaigns. that’s pretty cool. anyway, he had a stopover in bangkok so we hung out talking story. pretty interesting guy..

check out this fruit drink ad he thought of. shit. amazing. makes me want to drink that. i’m talking about the drink guys.. haha…

speaking of thailand, the international airport finally reopened up. well, the government finally got control back. imagine all the tourists that got trapped there and couldn’t leave? that must suck? if that was me, i’d go back to my hotel, walk back to my favorite yakitori street stand, grab a beer, and eat away. i would be stoked to be trapped there for an extra week….


good morning. waves 6-10′ on the north shore. pipe looks not too good because the swell is more out of the north now. i bet haleiwa and sunset are the spots. there’s a little south swell running in town. maybe waist high with quite a few guys out at rockpiles and bowls already. waves for everybody today. get out and grab one. have a nice day…
**dec. 3rd was an awesome day. surf perfect waves in the morning, celebrate with friends at night…. kona winds all day and all night!!!! thanks so much aunty laurie and galen for the awesome photos….

ok, remember i said that backdoor was almost a perfect 10 that morning? except for the crowd. now you know what i mean? i’m somewhere in there. by the way, this is my office. so if you think i go to the north shore to play around, your crazy. i go there to work. and just getting one wave for yourself is freakin hard work. you go try….

mar ono is one of the best surfers to come out of japan. and after all these years of him coming to hawaii, this is the best photo i’ve ever seen of him surfing pipe. i was paddling out when i seen him get this wave. then he went in. shit, i would have too… nice wave mar. if you want this photo or want to see the sequence, let me know and i’ll ask galen. this one’s a keeper. and galen, you probably don’t even know you took this killer photo of one of japan’s surf stars. i’m pretty sure i’ll be getting an email from some japanese magazine wanting to publish this shot. that’s why i put on the water mark on it…

todd’s party at willow’s was awesome. i was walking around all night feeling so happy because i couldn’t believe the turnout. 3 live bands, great food, free beer, silent auction, disco club. no, just joking on the disco. but it was awesome because i seen so many friends there who knew todd, and so many friends who didn’t know todd. but you know what? it didn’t matter if you knew him or not. we were all surfers who knew that it could have been any one of us getting attacked by a shark that day. it was like a bond of surfers and if you went to the party, you know exactly what i mean. wanted to say congrats to the jason mijo and the east side boys who set up the event. it was awesome and one of the best parties i’ve ever attended. todd was walking around fine and it was great to see him smiling all night. if i need help planning a party, i’m calling the east side boys for sure…

i was pounding some drinks with kainoa and reid. i think we were the last ones to leave the party. free drinks? i wasn’t going anywhere. i think even todd left before us? haha.

and my crewmates from our timor boat trip ceri and aunty laurie. 2 cool chicks. wendell, don’t worry, your photo coming up tomorrow. ladies first.. and galen, thanks again for the cool photos.

Jeannie Chesser Art and Jewelry Show….

good day mate. how’s things going. epic big surf at sunset today. gosh, it made me want to surf out there. maybe next swell. pipe masters start dec. 8th monday. the sandbar is set up and swells on the way. the waves have been so good that i’m a little worried. is it going to be an early winter? i hope not and i know that the waves aren’t going to last like this all year. it’s just too good to be true… gas is down, stocks are down, car sales are down, the dollar is down. the only thing up these days are the surf. so better get out there and enjoy it. have a safe chilly evening….

hey, jeannie chesser is having an art and jewelry show at her house tomorrow and saturday. going to be some awesome stuff to buy for christmas presents. all handmade or hand painted by jeannie. see ya there… by the way, no stalkers please…haha…
art & jewelry show and sale
Fri Dec 5 and Sat Dec 6
2-7 pm
my house
4219-E Huanui St
bring your friends
good prices
new stuff
Bali stuff…Baby shirts….Beach glass….art by Jeannie Chesser
call for directions or email me

i was watching the contest online today. shit, jordy smith was the man today. he was by far the best surfer out there. but in the final, he couldn’t get any good waves and ended up 4th. it was cj hobgood’s day. it’s been a while since i seen a goofy footer ripping big sunset like that. maybe since the occy days…

nao-chan, thank you for the email. i’m glad you got back safe to japan. and thanks for the photo. looks so cold. good luck on your next trip to australia… ganbatte ne[:?????$B!x(B???:]
*and last, jun jo’s in4mation is featured in contrast magazine. check it out…