Tuesday October29日 2024年

North Shore Hawaii….

north shore wa 4-6′ tama ni 8′ set de sugoi ii nami yo… the waves
on the north shore are going off!!!

Yes We Can: Hawaii for Obama…

good morning. 5;30am and i can feel it. i can feel the waves are going off on the north shore. so i’m out of here!!! hey, i just seen some waves in town too. waves everywhere? yeah!!! everybody go surf!!! see you in the water…

meet the 44th president of the United States of America…. BARACK OBAMA…. i was watching the news yesterday and had tears in my eyes when i seen people celebrating obama’s win. it feels like a new years celebration. people screaming and celebrating on the streets all over america. since when did we get so excited on a new president? not in my lifetime. there were people on the other side of the world in kenya, africa jumping around in joy when obama won. that’s what we need in this world. it’s time for everybody to come together!!! and i mean EVERYBODY…

close ties to hawaii. check him out eating a shave ice. that’s local style…

and check him out taking a stroll down the beach with his kids. that’s local style…

and nothing is more local than this. bodysurfing sandy beach?? your kidding me. i’m proud of this president and so is everybody in hawaii….

this is the coolest tshirt. where can i get one? 70% of people in hawaii voted for obama. hawaii for obama…
**and last, Yes WE Can. watch this video and you will feel like you can too. gosh, i’ve never ever in my whole life felt more proud to be an american. YES WE CAN….

Kelia Edits….

good evening. it was my first drive out to the north shore this year and gosh, it felt like it took forever. the waves were small but the conditions were perfect. i was in my garage all evening getting out my guns for this winter. got my 6’3 mike woo, my 6’6 matchi, and my 7’0 glenn minami ready. come tomorrow, i’m ready for anything… see ya out there….

as i drove by waimea bay, i seen two big black spots in the water. see it? one’s in the middle close to the shore, and the other one a little farther out. those black spots aren’t reef, their fish balls. yeah, thousands of fish hanging out. the bummer thing is that when i was coming back, i seen a fisherman surrounding his net around them. so now, it’s probably all gone….

i stopped by to see kelia and their house at vland. it’s pretty sick!!! i thought the bathroom walls were pretty cool. check out the pebbles that make up the wall. cool…

and when kelia wakes up, this is what she sees out of her window. i’m pretty stoked because i have my new v-land surf checker… kelia, expect calls every morning around 5:30 or so. i know it’s still dark outside but i’ll get you a flashlight tomorrow.. haha…
**and speaking of kelia. i’m so happy that one of the moniz kids stepped forward to learn how to edit video. tony has been taking video of the family and friends for a while now. and he probably has some awesome video. now we can finally see it… keep up the good work kelia. check out kelia’s first video on 8 year old grom finn mcgill….
**oh, wanted to let the 2 people know that i sent out the hawaii license plates in the mail yesterday. enjoy…