Sunday September22日 2024年

My dream toy store

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2012 car show now!

Surf all day


Lobster all night.

Kelly Slater Autograph and Fish Attack!

kazuma miyagi is a cute kid. at 12 years old, this kid has the whole okinawa behind him. he’s really shy, but his smile says it all. i seen him coming out of the water at tracks and he had a glowing smile showing me his surfboard signed by kelly slater. i won’t be surprised if he sleeps with his surfboard from now on.

throughout the years, i’ve seen kelly slater turn so many fans down for an autograph before. i use to think to myself, “wow, what an asshole.” but after thinking it through, if he signed an autograph for everybody, he wouldn’t have time to surf. that said, i was super stoked he stopped to sign kazuma’s surfboard. kazuma really looks up to kelly and if kelly told him “no,” he could have crushed this young boys dreams. i’m glad everything worked out. i’m so stoked for you kazuma!

i had no idea that fish can attack. i’ve heard stories of trigger fish attacking divers, and now i seen for myself this surgeon fish attacking yuki-san. it was trying to bite her pony tail. haha. i was laughing as i took this photo deep down in the blue of the indian ocean.