Jack Johnson Live in Yokohama Video Clip….

good morning… can you believe gas went over $4/gallon at some gas stations in hawaii? what’s weird is that gas got way cheaper in japan. can’t figure it out…. when i get back to hawaii, i better get a bicycle…. have a nice day…
** i took out my little dig. camera and shot this short clip. well, i actually shot 20min but i think it’s illegal to post his songs on the web so i didn’t. or maybe i’ll do it later? don’t know… i can go “on and on” but i’ll stop right here….

Jack Johnson Live in Yokohama….

good morning. gosh, it’s freezing cold again. and raining. i thought i was going to freeze to death when i rode the bike to 7/11 this morning. and no oden? shock… anyway, it was yet another long and fun day in japan yesterday. went to the jack johnson concert in yokohama. i thought it was going to be at some bar or club so i was looking forward to it. i thought i was going to be able to say what’s up to him but i was wrong. i see jack johnson all the time in hawaii and he’s like a regular guy. super friendly and just an ordinary surfer. but in japan, jack’s a freakin superstar. oh my gosh…. there were ten of thousands of people packed like sardines in this huge park. jack johnson is huge in japan. went to a beyonce concert in osaka last year and there were 10x more people yesterday in yokohama…

this was the mens bathroom. only in japan….

at $6/beer, this is a lot of beer….. i haven’t drank beer in the daytime for a long time. it was going down like water… and i haven’t seen such long beer lines in my life. it took 30min to get a beer…. yikes…

we were kind of in the back but once jack came on, i was saying “excuse me” all the way to the front. i haven’t gotten so many stink eye in my life. haha…

this was the crowd. from singing in little bars to such a huge concert like this, jack has come a long way… it’s so good seeing a surfer from hawaii making it big….

this was where the concert was. check out yokohama city. beauty….

after the concert, there’s nothing like good chinese food in china town….

i haven’t been to china town in a long time and forgot how beautiful it was….

left at 1:45pm and got back home at 2:30am. gosh, it was a long day… a long fun day…

Surfing Shonan, Japan…..

check out this short video clip i took yesterday. surfing shonan…..