Saturday October19日 2024年

Another Tropical Hawaiian Day….

good evening. kind of a cool day here in hawaii but gosh, it was so beautiful outside and outside was where i was all day. the sun felt soooo good. waves on the north shore was small but fun. town even had some fun waves with hardly anybody out. i just checked the north shore forecast and not any big swells on the way. might be a small pipe masters this year. that would suck. the buoys ain’t showing anything yet so keep your fingers crossed. anyway, the weather here in hawaii went back to beautiful so i’m feeling pretty high. and wanted to say congratulations to all the marathon runners again. i drove by waikiki and seen everybody having a hard time walking. it happens every year. well, it’s getting a little chilly outside. might be a cold winter night. keep warm and have a great evening….

got up pretty early this morning and seen the coolest clouds outside of my window. i knew it was going to be a beautiful day….

when i left my house and was driving, two birds flew on my windshield wipers. they were just cruzing so i pulled over and took a photo… then i ate um. haha. just jokng…

and do you know where this is? one of the most famous mountains in the world. not too many people get this angle. take a guess….

and if you know where the top photo is, you know where this spot is. this is a secret spot and only one guy was out there today. it looked super fun. so did all the spots around here…

brandon has the best view of the sunsets from his house. he called me last night and told me to look outside my window. it was nothing like this. i wish i had a view like this. if i did, i would be home every single evening watching the sunset sipping on a glass of wine. wait, i don’t drink wine. but i probably would….

Ichinen Buri = Has it Been A Year Already?

good morning. 6:30am. light winds and small waves around the island. north shore is 2-3 and probably too small for the pipe masters. semi-clean conditions but still a little bumpy. north/west swell on the way tomorrow so the pipe masters should be starting. town is really clean but no waves. knee/waist high with nobody out anywhere. oh wait, one guy paddled out to bowls. south swell coming in later tonight. it’s going to be a nice day so get out there and enjoy… be safe….
**had some time yesterday so was deleting photos off my computer to make room for this winter season. found some that i totally forgot about. it’s only been a year ago but seem such a long time ago. anyway, before i delete it, check um out…

i took this lineup shot of pipeline and backdoor last march when they were running the women’s contest out there. a perfect 4′ pipe/backdoor barrel with nobody on it. i couldn’t believe it. you’ll never see this on any other day…

this is ikaika from tahiti grab rail at pipe. he can surf, paddleboard, dive, and do pretty much anything that has to do with the ocean. a true waterman…

and this is satoshi kubota from miyazaki. i’ve known satoshi since i’ve been going to japan. he comes to hawaii for one month out of the year and always seems to get the best photos. here he is cruzing through a backdoor barrel… yeah satoshi, see you soon….

and this is aoi koike. aoi just won the japanese bodyboarding circut this year making her a 10X grand champion. that’s pretty amazing. she’s been the girl to beat and now that she’s retiring, next year’s up for grabs. congratulations aoi for accomplishing something that will probably never be done again…
***and last, got this email from ryu nakamura asking for your help. it’s a petition opposing the operation of the Rokkasho Nuclear Waste Reprocessing Plant in aomori, japan. discharging any kind of radiation in the ocean is screwed up. please sign the petition…. CLICK HERE…..

Hawaii Dolphins and Turtles…

good evening. i drove by kahala mall at 3pm and seen people running the marathon. can you believe that? 10 hours later and still 5 miles away from the finish line. did they stop by and have lunch at burger king? haha. just joking. i can’t say anything because i didn’t run it. i drive out to hawaii kai all the time so i know how far it is. i don’t think in can do it but i might give it a try next year. anyway, the waves were terrible again today. winds changing so the tradewinds should be back by tomorrow. and hopefully they can get the pipe masters started. andy irons is in the first heat so don’t miss it.

it’s been raining so everything is so green. this plant at my house was almost dying a few weeks ago. now, it’s as healthy as can be. and next time you past diamond head, look how green it is. the greenest it’s ever been…

and check out the waves in japan. better than hawaii. i wish i was in that barrel…. check out the rest of the photos by nakajima on….
**dolphins and turtles are the coolest. seeing them in the ocean is really amazing. i see them all the time when i go diving or surfing. i’ve swam with wild dolphins before and rode on turtles backs. it’s pretty cool… anyway, check out these photos i took….

everybody watched the movie flipper right? how smart are dolphins? it’s amazing how you can communicate with them. one day out waikiki, we passed a pod of dolphins so i jumped in to swim with them. they were checking me out but kept their distance so i made dolphin noises through my snorkel and they looked at me and came right in. i could have touched them. it was pretty cool… some of my friends don’t believe me but i don’t care. can’t wait to swim with dolphins again. check out this one winking at me….

i remember when my grandma use to read me the japanese children’s book “urashima taro” when i was a kid. it was about a boy who rode the back of a turtle and went into the underwater world. i use to dream of riding a turtles back as a kid so now that i can, i go for it whenever i get the chance. one time i rode a huge turtle out in the north shore and he took me pretty deep. i felt so good that i didn’t want to let go. but once i did, he followed me back to the surface. then i rode him again. and again. that day, i didn’t catch any fish. but who cared. i was reliving my childhood dream….