Monday September23日 2024年

A Turning Point….

good morning…. gosh, it was a great night sleep for me. i love this cool weather. no need wake up sweating or with mosquito bites. or a beeping watch….
wanted to thank matsuo, akko, kenji, chiaki, naoka, mae, megu, and ren-chan for celebrating my 28th birthday last night. haha.. akko and naoka made the best cake i’ve ever eaten…. thanks so much.. well, i guess you can say this is a turning point in my life and i’m looking forward to it. i remember my mom always telling me that things only get better as you get older. now i know what she meant…. i love my life and everybody that’s in it. so just wanted to say thanks to everybody that puts up with my shit. more shit to come…. and thanks to all the emails too. you guys are the best…. kotoshi mou yoroshiku onegaishimasu….

here’s an oink oink from the philippines. gosh, this pig’s eyes were still alive. it was kind of creepy…. but i wouldn’t mind eating his ears….

Konban wa….

hello everybody, i just got back to japan right now. gosh, it’s so cool here yeah? stoked. heard there’s another typhoon on the way. what perfect timing again. i hope it takes time for the waves to come up because i ain’t ready to go surfing yet. need a few days to reset. the food poisoning is still with me and my body feels weak. but not weak enough to keep me out of the barrel. haha… well, wanted to say thanks to everybody who made my philippines trip a memorable one. tokura-san, hayato, shinpei, kazuya, u-ske, masao, and everybody in the philippines… and thanks to surfing world and marine jack too. took over a thousand photos and hope to share them soon. and sorry for the late emails. give me some time to get to you. my inbox is full. it will take days but i’ll try. going to tokyo tomorrow. yeah!! never been there in a while. maybe hit a bar in roppongi by myself. haha. just joking…. anyway, be back tomorrow. i got to get some much needed sleep without 2 guys snooring out loud and a freaking irritating watch beeping all night…[:Zzz:]

Filipina Crabfest….

this lady came to our room with a bucket of live mangrove crabs. 10 crabs weighing in at 5 kilos. for $20 we bought it all. and we ate them all….

they cook it here by boiling it in half water and sprite. add in a little chili peppers for spice and it’s done in 30 min….

did you know that it’s not good to take a girl on a date and eat crab? it’s because there’s no time for a conversation. but we aren’t on a date here so it’s all good. this is hayato’s plate after eating 3 crabs. gosh, the meat was so sweet. the sweetest crab i’ve ever eaten….

and last, this watch has been driving me nuts for the last 10 days. it’s hayato’s and he doesn’t know how to turn off the beep on every hour. so for the past 10 days, it’s beeped on every hour. times that by 24 and you got 240 times. day, night, and morning. i’m glad i’m leaving that watch behind. shit, it just beeped again. oh my gosh….