DIY Handy Man


10月5日にこのブログをアップするのを忘れていました。 ここにあります。

Every time I get back from a long trip, I fall in love with Hawaii more and more.  It’s just paradise here!  Went surfing with Okazaki-san in the perfect conditions.  The first thing he said when we jumped into the ocean was “wow, beautiful!”

There was nobody out at Bowls this morning.  It was just us riding every single wave that passed by.  We surfed until Okazaki-san’s arms couldn’t paddle anymore.

Looking forward and enjoying the ride.

Okazaki-san was super happy to surf in Hawaii but I don’t think he knew that I was just as happy.  I’m so happy to be back home!

My refrigerator broke so I called the repair man.  He didn’t show up so the only other way was to do it myself.  I didn’t even know where to start?

After researching for a couple hours, I learned so much about appliances and how to test it.  Now I can trouble shoot and fix any refrigerator.  I won’t be calling a repair man anymore.  Save money and do it yourself…  DIY
