Wednesday October9日 2024年

Fun Day in the Sun…. Free Diving with Turtles in Waikiki….

good evening. gosh, it was such a beautiful day in town today. no waves so better go diving instead. photographer nakajima-san and on the beach shop owner kubota-san came to town for some fun in the sun..

there’s this one place where we go diving that has a lot of turtles. they’re guarantee there all the time and aren’t that afraid of humans. i think it’s because they don’t see humans often. but it’s pretty cool to dive around with all the turtles hanging out….

nakajima-san took my olympus camera and shot some photos. gosh, i love my wetsuit. talk about stealth…. and i love my gun. talk about accuracy…

this is called a “roy”. these are good eating fish but sometimes they have ciguatera so be careful. along with this fish, i caught 5 kumu’s and a tako…. good size kumu’s that i just dropped off at the chinese restaurant for dinner tonight….

on the way in, we stopped by bowls on my boat to check out the waves. it looked pretty fun. if this was japan, there would be a hundred surfers out. but not in hawaii…. we call this flat and not too many guys were on it…

then we pulled up to kaisers. it looked fun there too. gosh, i wish i had my surfboard…. people come to hawaii to surf the north shore and when the waves are junk, the just sit around doing nothing. i guess they don’t know that just a quick drive away, they could be surfing super fun waves… i love town….

this was last night’s dinner. fresh steamed black bean kumu… oh my gosh…. how was it naoka?? tonight’ we are eating more fish. so good and healthy. have a nice evening….

Rambo in Hawaii….

good morning. 7am here on another chilly day. north shore still stormy. lani’s probably the best but it’s all not that great. cloudy out there and looking cold. town knee/waist high and a lot cleaner. 2 guys out at rockpiles, 9 guys out at bowls now. if your desperate, diamond head will probably be your best bet in town. more stormy days to come so get use to it. enjoy this wintery day in paradise….

how many of you seen the movie “rambo?” or should i say, how many of you didn’t see that movie? gosh, rambo was a classic. stallone coming out with a gun screaming his head off killing hundreds of vietnamese and not getting shot. he was the man. 20 years later, stallone is back in theaters coming january 25th. i have to see that one….

and check out stallone in the tree waiting with his bow and arrow getting ready to scream his head off and kill hundreds of pigs…. haha… first blood, hawaiian style…

and last, have a happy smile day!!!

Hawaii Skin Diver Fiji: Bula….

good evening. check out how beautiful diamond head was today. the waves were shoulder high with perfect conditions. naoka and i went to jump into bowls for a session. only had 2 guys out when we got out and when the waves came, it was super clean. and the water was crystal clear too. wish i had my mask and spear… haha…

i was pho shock today. went to mccully shopping center to eat at my favorite pho restaurant on the island, viet cafe. walked to the door and tried to open it. shit, i was closed… closed forever. pho shock…. so i went to pho saigon to eat one. it’s pretty good but not as good as viet cafe….

surf/dive. such a great combo. especially when your stuck on a boat for 12 days. surf or no surf, your happy. i went to fiji a while ago and was on a boat for 2 weeks. that time, i didn’t bring my dive gear so when the waves was shitty, i didn’t have anything to do. so i just drank gallons and gallons of kava with the locals while they sang all night long. after checking out this hawaii skin diver fiji video clip, now i wish i took my dive gear. oh well, there’s always next time… bula fiji….. by the way, in the photo above is takayuki fukuchi, me, and tokura-san on a Dove boat trip in 1999. launched from nadi, went around tavarua and ended up down south at this island called kandavu. strong kava, warm hearts, and paradise…
i’m not sure but that surf spot in the video looks like frigate pass. that wave is sick!!! take off head high, kick out double overhead…. i want to go back again someday…

and last, check out the 5 day weather forecast for hawaii. yuck!!! rain..[:??$B!/(B:][:??$B!/(B:][:??$B!/(B:] oh well, there’s always diving….